This website is the copyright of Wendy Snowden 2012. All photos on this site are being used with the creators permission.
Views expressed on this site belong to those who expressed them not to the club as a whole.
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Yorkshire Wings official charity for 2023 is the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
The Yorkshire Wings chosen charity for 2019 was the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Mat and Pat Helm nominated the charity and organised the Yorkshire Spring Ding event earlier in 2019 to raise much needed funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
The event was a great success, given the time of year the weather was a little on the cool side to say the least however, everyone involved had a fantastic time and the weekend raised a whopping £1,558.40p for this very worthy cause.
During 2017 and 2018 Yorkshire Wings did not have an official charity, however this didn’t stop members from raising money for needy causes, money raised from various events throughout the two years was used to fund a number of charities.
Sunday 19th March 2017, Lesley Snell and her daughter Joanne took part in the Marsden
March which is a 14 mile walk in aid of the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Yorkshire
members donated £100 to the charity, well done Lesley and Joanne.
For a number of years now Holly Perkins, one of our wingnuts, has raised a substantial
amount of money for various charities, this particular year at the Yorkshire Wing
Ding (2016) Holly raised £353.76, a fantastic amount and much needed funds for Cancer
Research, Holly’s chosen charity. During the fundraising weekend Holly and her friend
Chloe sold tickets for guessing the names of cuddly animals and how many sweeties
in jars with money from the sale of glow products also going into the charity collection
pot. Well done Holly, keep up the good work.
The lovely Holly
In her Belle costume left.
Holly and her friend Chloe right.
At the March meeting of Yorkshire Wings members had a whip round and collected £92 for Squires Easter Egg Run 2016. The photo to the right shows the number of Easter eggs bought with the Wings donation and left a thank you from Squires.
At the February 2013 regional meeting nominations for two charities were put forward by Yorkshire members, representatives from Martin House Children’s Hospice and Marie Curie Cancer Care attended the meeting and gave short presentations giving members an insight into the good works they do. Members felt both charities very worthy of the Yorkshire regions support and so voted to support both charities for a two year period, 2013 and 2014.
The 2013 season got off to a cracking start with members taking every opportunity
to support and collect money for the chosen charities
Alan Mason, Sew Embroidery, kindly donated a number of charity Patches to the region, a very big thank you Alan, the patches sold like hot cakes and got the charity account off to a terrific start.
Charity events throughout 2013 included raffles & tombolas, static displays & light parades, cycle rides & race nights. During the 2013 season Yorkshire members raised £2,200, a fantastic amount to split between the two chosen charities Martin House Children’s Hospice and Marie Curie Cancer Care.
Unfortunately during 2013 communications with representatives from Marie Curie Cancer Care became increasingly difficult, members reluctantly withdrew their support of this particular charity and voted Martin House Children’s Hospice as the regions charity for 2014.
Over the years members of Yorkshire Wings have supported many charities and helped to raise thousands of pounds for good causes by taking part in static displays, light parades and various other events. During 2012 the region raised just short of £1500 for Macmillan Cancer Care.